Lia Sant edufolio

Academy for Self Learners

Posted in Uncategorized by Lia Sant on June 16, 2012
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SchooX offers a pleasant way to discover and transform information to knowledge. It offers a social environment where anyone can discover, collect and review knowledge resources of any kind.

Users who know what’s what can even create online courses and promote them. By using resources of different kinds (web pages, videos, blogs, wikis, online books, documents, online courses) users can knuckle down to any subject they want and even certify their knowledge. On schooX different kinds of resources are supported with special features according to their format. Online courses, for example, are supported by an internal Learning Management Module capable of maintaining the users learning process. SchooX is great and is for everyone! On schooX everyone can be a DiscovererCollectorReviewerLearner or Instructor.

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