Lia Sant edufolio

The biomimicry effect: learning from 3.8 billion years of evolution

Posted in Uncategorized by Lia Sant on February 6, 2014
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Whether you’re an educator, designer or business leader, exploring Biomimicry, an emerging transdisciplinary field of research and application of nature’s brilliant designs and strategies to improve services, create sustainable technologies and best practices, will definitely become  high priority in the immediate future.

Organizational Innovation Inspired by Nature” resource list on Bay Area Biomimicry Network website will provide a thorough introduction to the subject.

Cahier d’activités pour « Jeunéalogistes »| An Educator´s Handbook | Portail de la Généalogie Québécoise

Via Scoop.itSchooL-i-Tecs 101

Le cahier d’activités généalogiques s’adresse aux responsables de la formation des sociétés de généalogie et aux enseignants. Il leur revient de s’en approprier le contenu, de l’adapter à leurs besoins et à leurs ressources, d’effectuer les contacts avec le monde scolaire et d’organiser les ateliers pertinents.


STEM education supported by Big Corporations Initiatives

Posted in Uncategorized by Lia Sant on March 29, 2012
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Faced with a likely shortage of suitable employees in the future, corporations are proactively aiding reform of the education system.  Read more on Education

Education 2.0 and the LEC predominance.

The edtech evolution, the thriving Knowmad community, the web 2.0 perplexities and Social Media after effects make us all wonder about the future of education and emerging professional opportunities.

Learning Facilitaror, Learning Enhancement Coordinator, Learning Consultant, Personal Learning Advisor are but a few tags attributed to what is basically the one and only indisputably indispensable expertise in helping others effectively deploy their talents, successfully discover their vocation, efficiently amplify their skills, decisively empower their competences through engaging traditional and digital world gateways.

With a thorough knowledge of what is best in both worlds, paper and digital, a solid understanding of privacy-copyright-integrity issues, a practical know-how of instructional  design, curriculum development, pedagogy latest research data, project management current trends, excellence in IT, organisational and communicative skills they are multidisciplinary in nature that can efficiently, no matter what their core subject might have been, cope with a vast variety of learning objectives matching the right means to the right learning context.

Pluralistic, interdisciplinary, transmedia knowledge approach are their coordinates and success their middle name!!