Lia Sant edufolio

Leveraging the edtech integration deficiency!!

With today’s western economies downsizing, it’s understandable how counties, while in the process of web 2.0 and mobile technologies classroom practice integration, are stalling on their education reform projects.

This setback is about and, in many cases, has already started to heavily weigh upon learners’ prospects.  As interactive whiteboards, 1:1 computer programme or BYOD policies, LMS and Infolit implementation, flipped homework initiatives, teacher PD workshops and school media centers development are progressively postponed or abandoned even  so, educators are starting to wonder on how to leverage the impact of this huge competences gap that new graduates are about to experience.

With the rest of the world already entering the education 3.0 domain, where LMS are considered outdated and customised / personalized learning is top priority, recession teachers still struggle to come up with free edtech solutions to offer their class a decent education 2.0 … field trip!!

Most discussions and comments point to only one direction: school leaders and teaching staff all forecasting the predominant school media specialist role.

As the learning process has become liberated from the traditional “one and only” textbook and, since online educational resources, tools, digital repositories, open source applications are the only best alternative to enhance students learning the “affordable way”, national educational strategies should put first on their agendas the need to officially adopt the “Every School-One Big Learning Enhancement Center” motto, promote and swiftly implement this principle.

Employing an adequate number of information specialists, education professionals, librarians, elearning advisors is the best ROI decision ensuring with their know-how, specialisation and extensive content creation experience the spurt of a greaterKnowmad workforce generation able to effectively cope with the 21st century challenges and actively contribute to global economic recovery.

Joining forces with the SMEs, they’ll put down flexible foundations of learning enhancement and flipped classroom good practices facilitating teaching staff and young learners to quickly master the new-tech world and reach their full potential.

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